
Ajinkya Satdive

Mr. Ajinkya Satdive has completed his MTech in  Polymer Engineering and Technology from ICT, Mumbai & his B. Tech in Plastic and Polymer Engineering from MIT Aurangabad.

His key research areas include polymer processing and testing, polymer synthesis, surface coating & Polymer Nanotechnology.

Mr. Ajinkya is currently an Assistant Professor in Institute of Chemical Technology, Marathwada Campus, Jalna. He has previously worked as an Assistant Professor in Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Aurangabad and as an Assistant Manager in Turbo Plastiblends Pvt. Ltd.

He has previously taught courses on Polymer Synthesis II, Materials Engineering, Design Lab - II (Solid Edge), Introduction to 3D Printing Technology, Polymer Blends and Composites, Processing and Application of 3D Printing, Materials for 3D Printing and Polymer Blends and Alloys.